Season One
Episode Two

Ryan Woitalewicz was just four years old when he lost his dad Kenny, a volunteer firefighter in Nebraska. When Ryan attended his first NFFF Kids Camp for children ages 7-17, Illinois Fire Chief Chad Hoefle was assigned as his Big Buddy—a mentorship match that has stood the test of time. Over the years, Ryan and Chad returned to camp together until Ryan reached age 18. And the “found family” they created continues, as the two celebrate milestone events such as Ryan completing his education and becoming a teacher. They remain in close contact and enjoy any opportunity to talk about Ryan’s father and finding meaning in his loss.
Season One
Episode One

Sharon Purdy’s husband, Lee, died of a heart attack in the line of duty. Sharon was at the fire and actually ran the code on her husband. She used her experience with loss to advocate for other survivors and Fire Hero families. As a result of her and others’ efforts, the Hometown Heroes program expanded in 2003 to provide benefits to survivors of public safety officers who suffer fatal heart attacks or strokes in the line of duty.